Voice messages are incredible for when something is preferable clarified through voice rather over text, or for when you’re just inclination excessively darn languid to type. All things considered, getting a long voice message can be a torment to tune in to completely through.
WhatsApp is attempting to cure this, by adding new alternatives for voice message playback.

WhatsApp Speed Controls for Voice Replies
WhatsApp’s freshest component update is little and direct: you would now be able to play voice messages on WhatsApp at three distinct rates.
At 1x speed, you’ll hear the clasp as it was recorded. On the off chance that that is excessively delayed for you, you can wrench playback speed to 1.5x for somewhat of a lift or 2x to hear it out play twice as quick. When you pick a setting, it’ll play voice messages that path until you change it.
With regards to texting administrations, in any case, WhatsApp isn’t everybody’s best option any longer. The application has rolled out various improvements to its security strategy since January 2021, making droves of its clients escape to different other options.
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