The Scheels credit card is a store branded card. It is a card that any frequent Scheels shopper should consider getting. It has amazing benefits that allow you to accrue three points for every purchase and one point for every purchase made outside of Scheels. You can use your card to pay household bills and still accrue good points. Scheels offers two credit cards which are both given by the visa network. One is highly secured while the other is not. A very unique feature of this card is that the Scheels visa credit card offers will automatically send you a $25 gift card when you accrue 2500 points, with this, you don’t have to worry about your points going unused and expiring, the Scheels visa credit card does this for you. This credit card allows you to customize your card by selecting the design that best fits your style. It allows you to monitor your FICO bankcard score through your monthly statement and also when you access your account online. This credit card isn’t only for individuals who have excellent or even great credit. So even if your credit score isn’t high as you would like it to be, Scheels visa credit card still wants your business.

Rates /Fees
- Purchase intro APR – 0%
- Purchase intro APR period – 6 months
- Balance transfer intro APR -N/A
- Balance transfer intro APR period – N/A
- Regular APR – 18.99%
- Balance transfer fee – 18.99%
- Foreign transaction fee -3%
- Annual fee – $0.
- You earn 3 points for every $1 spent on purchases from Scheels
- You earn 1 point for every $1 spent on purchases outside Scheels
- You receive $25 gift card automatically sent to you when you reach 2500 points
- You can customize your card
- Firstguard zero liability
- 0% introductory APR for 6 months from the date of account opening
- You get 1500 bonus points when you make your first purchase outside Scheels
- You can take out cash advances.
How to Apply
- Open your web browser and visit the Scheels visa credit card official website
- On the homepage, tap on the red apply now icon
- On the next page, you will notice that only registered customers can apply for the credit card, if you already have a Scheels account, use the sign in page to start your application, if you don’t, tap on the register now icon
- On the application page, start by filing your first name, last name, email, password, addresses, city, state, zip code, phone number, gender, birth month, and day
- When you’re done, tap on ‘sign me up’.
To access your credit card account;
- Visit the first bank card Scheels official website
- On the home page, tap on the left login button
- On the next page, type in your user ID and your password
- Then tap on ‘sign in’.
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