Currently, the world is rapidly moving into a digital space of which demands high and rapid attention as regards the important things we dare to venture into all in the name of investment. This has however drawn the attention of many as to the Fact if Insurance is an investment or not. A lot of prominent scholars that are into this research has however said that both concepts look like siblings that come out from the same household; that is to say, they work hand in hand to ensure as well as protect the goals of a particular individual that made his or her wealth in a visible form (money, cars or houses. etc.)

The question as to the fact if insurance is far better than investment or they both mean the same thing has made a lot of persons scared of investing their money on insurance because some has said it not to be an investment. The question actually does not give a meaningful concentration. However, in this article it shall be revealed as regards the differences as well as similarities that involves the both term (insurance and investment).
One has been said to be profitable while the other was ascribed to be a means in which this profit can be sustained or replaced when damaged. Investment most times can be scary most times when it involves one who has not gone into it before. Just imagine one venturing into a business for the first time; he will always be left with the thought, what if I fail in this particular business and all my money becomes waste? Does it mean I need to start afresh? All these questions and many more are what scares entrepreneurs and kills the interest of young entrepreneurs from investing into certain things or business ideas that will yield more profit.
It is worthy to note that while you can insure an investment at the same vein you cannot invest insurance because it is insurance that helps keeps your investment safe and provides claims for you should in case there be damage or a case of theft. In a scenario where one goes into a business; we could use the education sector for an instance, one makes efforts and opens up a school and start paying her teachers, putting up all the measures in place to ensure the capital that was added there yields more value, it is called investment while insurance is entering into a policy with an insurance firm to ensure that anything that happens to the business, it will defiantly be catered for by the insurance company. So, in conclusion, insurance is there to protect investment and not investing insurance.
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