In case you are tired of banking with Citibank or you are having any issues that have made you want to close your account, then this article has exactly what you need to know about closing your Citibank account. but you need to know that once you finally close your Citi bank saving account, credit card or whichever account you have with them, you will lose all your data, including other details that have your identity with them
Nevertheless, you can still be able to reach them in other ways particularly if you are facing any challenges. The Citi bank online website will help you in solving any problem that is affecting your account. Therefore, if you have made up your mind to close your account with Citibank, then read through to know how to get rid of the account online.

The Things You Need To Close Your Citibank Account
In order to close your Citibank account, there are some requirements you need to provide. Endeavor to make those requirements available so you can close your account effectively.
- Whoever is planning to opt-out from any Citi bank services, particularly when it comes to terminating all accounts must of all things make sure to withdraw all the money with the bank. Because if all the money is not withdrawn before closing the account, the money might be diverted to the bank.
- Then the person will also have to download the account termination form online or visit any of the bank branches to take the form from them.
- You might see some questions asking why you wish to close your account, so be prepared to answer them.
- You need to know these major things or have them ready before you can go ahead to close your account. You also have the right to close your Citi bank account permanently if you wish to.
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How To Terminate Your Citibank Account Online
Below are steps on how to close your Citibank account online after you have withdrawn all your money:
- Go to your web browser and download the closure form for Citi bank account or you can go to any of the Citi bank branches close to your location to get your form from there.
- After you have gotten the form, you will need to fill up all the details that are required, such as your account’s full name, account number, account type, etc. Also, ensure that all fields that are not optional are properly filled. Then sign your signature in the space provided.
- After filling the form completely, you can then send your form to Citibank N.A, Mail Room, ACROPOLIS, 9th Floor, New Door No.148, (Old No.68) Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004.
- After you have confirmed that the bank has received your form, then place a request for an approval letter or form, to acknowledge that they will commence with the closing of the account.
It will take Citibank complete two working days to close an account completely, within this period you will get a notification through an email if the process was successful or not.
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