Facebook Free Mode Settings – is a feature on Facebook that gives you access to use FB without charges or data connection. This free mode is amazing mode users need to try out because it works excellently on its own.
In some parts of the world where people purchase data at a cost price, things like FB is limited to users because of the lack of Data bundle. This is what made the company go into deep consideration and brought up the free mode and this is what the Facebook Free Mode settings content is meant to make you understand.
Facebook naturally is made to be a free platform but Telecom companies who give off data offers when you rightly buy places charges to the usage of this platform. Facebook decided to solve this issue of no data no usage. To this effect, they also enhanced communication which is the major key to build the world around us.

Facebook Mode Settings
They are mainly two modes on Facebook social networking media which are essential to know about. These modes include:
⦁ Free Mode
⦁ Mode with Data
Making use of Facebook free mode doesn’t mean you are unable to get internet access. It’s just a fair mode for all to access the free flow of communication. The social media giant is information and communication enabling media so once there are restrictions, communication is definitely seized. The free model allows you to send and receive messages on the messaging app but it also has restricted you from viewing pictures due to no connection with the internet.
How To Convert From Data Mode To Free Mode
With your Facebook account already logged into your Android, iOS, or Apple devices, at the top right of your page, you will see “Go to” click on it. Once you do this then, you are automatically switched to the free mode.
Facebook Free Mode Settings like I said earlier restricts you from using some FB features but regardless, you can still have a nice time with friends and foes. When you want to switch back, the same procedure is what you can also follow to get you back into the Data mode.
TECH NEWS>>>>Facebook Free Mode