“Facebook (FB) Avatar Creator App 2020 (iOS & Android) Download”. Facebook avatar is the most talked about feature on Facebook in 2020. This is the reason there is a continuous release of information about it daily. If you do not have an idea what Facebook avatars are, then this is just that article you need. In this article, you are going to be educated about these avatars on Facebook.
If you are an active Facebook user, you must have at this point come across cartoon images of individuals being used as comments, chat expressions, and profile pictures. You must have wonder what these characters are and how people come about them. Once you have the latest version of the Facebook avatar creator app on your iOS or Android device, you can easily create an avatar of yourself that you can use on Facebook.

Facebook Avatar
This is a feature similar to Snapchat Bitmoji and Apple Memoji. Facebook avatars are digital personas or cartoon images of a person which can be used for expressing feeling and ideas. At this point, we are very used to stickers, GIFs, and emoji which we use for effective communication on Facebook. FB avatar works just the same way as these emoji and stickers. You can express love, anger, laughter, and many more emotions using these avatars. The very interesting thing here is, you are using a cartoon image of your very self. With the aid of the Facebook avatar creator app, you can customize your Facebook avatar to look a whole lot like you. This is why people get to use their avatars as their profile pictures after creating them.
Facebook Avatar Creator App
The Facebook avatar creator app is the app used in customizing your FB avatar. This app isn’t new to you, it is your official Facebook app which you make use of every day. In the most recent version of the Facebook mobile app (iOS or Android), you will find the Facebook avatar creator link which takes you to the customization studio where you create your own avatar. You get to choose from a wide range of characteristics that make your avatar look just the way you want. These characteristics include; hairstyle, body shape, skin tone, accessories, eye shape, eye color, hair color, nose type, and many more.
One very amazing thing Facebook did is that once you create your avatar you can make you of it on other social media platforms and messenger apps.
SEE ALSO >>> Facebook (FB) Avatar Creator App 2020 – Create Facebook Avatar in 2 Minutes | Facebook Avatar Is Available
How to Create a Facebook Avatar
- Open the Facebook mobile app on your device.
- Using either your username or email and your password, sign in your Facebook account.
- Click on the menu icon at the top right corner or bottom right corner.
- Click on “Avatars” (If you don’t see it, click “See More”)
- Click “Next” to get started.
- Select a skin tone that best fits you and click “Next”.
- The next thing is for you to select from the following; hairstyles, hair color, face shape, eye shape and color, make-up, eyebrows, nose shape, facial hair, body shape, outfit, etc.
- Click on the checkmark at the top right corner of the screen once you finish creating your avatar.
- Click on “Next”.
- Click “Done”.
Facebook Avatar Creator App iOS Download
- Open your App Store.
- Scroll to the bottom and click “App”.
- Click “Search” and enter “Facebook”.
- Click the “Facebook App”.
- Click “Get”.
- Click “Install”.
- Open your Facebook App.
Facebook Avatar Creator App Android Download
- Open your Google Play Store.
- At the very top of your homepage where you have the search bar, enter “Facebook”.
- Click “Install”.
- Click “Open”.
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