The ExxonMobil credit card is given by Citibank. This credit card comes with many benefits that your average credit card does not, you can make use of this card for those road trips you take on long weekends and vacations. One of the main benefits of this credit card is that you are given cents off per gallon no matter the price of gas. This credit card gets you six cents per gallon off the posted price. This card comes with no annual fee. Every dollar of your credit limit will be used to spend on your purchases, not on paying a company a fee. For this credit card, no reward points are offered, this is good because you get the cashback immediately everytime you go to the pump station. Rather than waiting for your rewards to accumulate or try to understand limitations and exclusions, you see the very of using the card. This card has no foreign transaction fee, it can be used when traveling abroad.

The cash advance fee is $10 (minimum), the alternative to the $10 minimum is that you will be charged 5 percent of the total amount of cash advanced. The small $20 and $50 withdrawals will cost you dearly, this is a point that should be taken into consideration before applying. Card users who fill up regularly can better manage their personal and travel budgets and see the underlying benefits of this credit card. This credit card had been enlisted the services of Citibank’s identity theft system. This credit card has an APR of 26.49% for purchases, this varies with the market based on the prime rate.
1) Downloading the app can be rewarding, you can find ways to earn rewards points
2) About 50 cents off per gallon when using synergy fuel
3) It has zero liability for fraudulent purchases
4) You can easily track your fuel costs
5) No foreign transaction fee
6) No annual fee
7) You receive cashback anytime you make a purchase
8) It offers several discounts at the pump.
•How to apply for ExxonMobil cred card
Application can be made online or via the ExxonMobil rewards app that is suitable for both Android and iOS devices. To get approval easily, you need a credit score of at least 580. To apply online, follow the steps below;
> Open your web browser on your device and visit ExxonMobil smart card official website
> When the page loads, locate the blue apply now button on the homepage and tap on it
> Type in your first name, middle name, last name, email address, street address, apt/suite, city, state, zip code, phone number on the application page
> Also enter your financial information such as your monthly mortgage, residence status, total annual net income
> Type your social security number and your date of birth
> tap on the box that says ‘I have read and agreed to all the statements outlined above
> tap on the blue submit application button located below.
After application, you will get a response within 48 hours.
To have access to your account after application, go through the steps below;
> Visit the ExxonMobil credit card login page on your device
> On the homepage, locate and tap on the sign in page
> On that page,type in your user ID and your password on the respective fields
> then, tap on the blue sign in button located below to access your account.