The Verizon-owned web company has decided to shut down yet another Yahoo platform. Few years back we witnessed Yahoo Messenger get terminated after struggling for 20 years. Let’s watch and see what happens as its official date to shutting down is May 4.
First spotted by The Verge, Yahoo published a content at the top of the Yahoo Answers homepage. This shocking news links to an FAQ page, which gave detailed explanation on the platform shutdown timeline. The companyis refusing to accept any new entries or submissions following April 20.

It’s so sad to see platform like Yahoo Answers go after 16 long years of being one of the best Q&A service on the internet.
Yahoo, however, thinks that the platform has become “less popular over the years”. As a result, the company is now planning to shift its resources from the product to “focus on products that better serve [its] members,” Yahoo wrote in a note sent to Yahoo Answers members.
All Yahoo users are expected to download their data shared on the platform. They can request access to their personal data on or before June 30. This includes “all user-generated content including your Questions list, Questions, Answers list, Answers, and any images” on the platform. Moreover, “you won’t be able to download other users’ content, questions, or answers” on the platform.
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