Almost everyone uses the traditional position of the windows taskbar appearing horizontally below the screen. While it is possible to change this position, a lot of people have no issue with this style even if it could be better positioned, they just haven’t noticed or haven’t been told yet.

The Origins of The Traditional Taskbar
The horizontal taskbar dates back as far as the first windows computer software that was launched (Windows 1.0). There was certainly a reason why the developers placed the taskbar horizontally on the screen. Until Windows 95 was launched, you could only have the taskbar in the horizontal position because its sole purpose was to display items that had been minimized. In an actual sense, considering most of the monitors at that time had an aspect ratio of 4:3 on display, the horizontal length was almost the same as the vertical length. There would have been no need to change the position of the taskbar, hence even with the ability of Windows 95 to change taskbar location, the development wasn’t of much use while using the monitors with a screen aspect ratio of 4:3 because the change in position seemed somewhat unnecessary.
However, with the current trend of ultra-wide aspect ratios that monitors come with, having your taskbar appear horizontally may be less convenient than having it at either the vertical left or right side, especially the left, and here’s why.
The Science Behind the Choice
The primary aim of moving the taskbar is to have more space on your screen display. Some people would rather have the taskbar disappear than having it pop up each time on their desktop. However, the use of the taskbar is undisputed, hence it would be better to position it such that it wouldn’t occupy an annoying size of your view. In the mathematical calculation, the 4:3 and 3:2 aspect ratio monitors and PC’s wouldn’t show much difference for the space consumed when the taskbar is at the horizontal position. However, for the ultra-wide monitors and PC’s, the mathematical and actual difference is quite clear. For example, for ultra-wide monitors and PC’s that come with a 21:9 display, the horizontal taskbar would take a whooping 3.7% space on your display against the 2.4% space the horizontal taskbar would take.
Vertical Scrolling
Most websites are designed to scroll vertically while exploring a page. Everyone would agree that the horizontal taskbar would cut into your scrolling space while you’re trying to scroll down. However, with the taskbar located at the vertical left of the screen, you can be rest assured you wouldn’t open a minimized tab while scrolling.
This information also applies to your macOS, you can easily change the position of your taskbar to save you more space on your screen, most software for example Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel always position their toolbar at the left, because, humans are wired to always start from the left.
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