Spam emails, commonly known as junk emails, are basically uninvited emails to your inbox. You probably would have received dozens of spam emails in your life, and it’s common to see them all bulked up in your inbox and spam folder. Many companies send marketing messages regularly to people once you subscribe to their websites. It’s common to see people signing up for different websites, as a result of which, they constantly get emails from those companies. However, spam emails are very different from these marketing emails. These emails have the power to blow off your whole entire system unit within seconds. Most of these emails contain illegal content and viruses.
Spam emails are sent unanimously by different people, who don’t reveal their identity at all. These emails mostly contain misleading information and once you click any link present in the email, it may be possible that a virus gets downloaded on your computer. These emails are sent in bulk and often use scare tactics.

It is common to see cybercriminals getting more and more involved with common people as a result of spam emails. You never know that the spam email you are opening contains a virus, and if the virus is Ransomware, then my friend, you are doomed. The criminals will breach your data until a ransom is paid to them and you can’t be sure that they will retrieve your data once the ransom is paid. Hundreds of businesses have fallen victim to ransomware attacks in the past. So to help you slow the flood of these dangerous emails, below are some simple ways that you can follow.
Mark as Spam
It is good to know that most email services, like Gmail, and Yahoo possess algorithms that automatically filter out spam emails and put them in a separate folder. However, it often happens that some of the spam emails still can show up in your inbox. The best way to deal with these messages is to mark them as spam. If you delete the message, it can again show up in your folder in future if it’s sent by the same unanimous user. However, if you mark it as spam, any future emails from the same address won’t ever show up in your inbox, which puts your system on the safe side. You can easily block emails on Yahoo if you think they are coming from a suspicious source.
Delete the Spam Messages
Another way to deal with the spam email is to delete it right away without opening it. If you open it accidentally, it may contain a virus which will get downloaded on your system. Moreover, many of such emails have softwares in them which notify the sender if the email is opened, thus confirming that the account is active and more messages like that can be sent. Hackers are very clever these days and the moment they realize that the account is active, they start keeping a sharp eye on you and look for ways to get into your system and breach your data.
Keep Your Email Address Private
The best way to keep yourself from receiving spam emails is to private your email address. If your address is not essential to share with the public. Just keep it private then. You can also change your email settings to tighten up the security even more. In this way, your email would only be known to your close and trustworthy contacts. If you have been receiving so many spam emails, another alternate way for you is to take a fresh start and change your email. Once you change the email, keep yourself from committing the same mistakes again so that your email remains discrete.
Unsubscribe From Email Lists
You can limit the number of spam emails by unsubscribing from different email lists. Normally when we open a website, the company that’s running on that website asks you to first subscribe before any further options are available to you. Once you subscribe to the email, the company starts sending you emails on a daily basis which can be very annoying. In case you subscribe to a website that is not a reputed one, there is a possibility that you start receiving spam emails from different sources. If you have already subscribed to a bunch of emails, consider cutting the list short.