While there are several online platforms that generate income, some of them require you to make a monetary investment and a few others don’t. No doubt the types that require monetary investment turn out to be scams sometimes. The other types that don’t require you to make money investment require you to make some type of investment also, this time not with money but with your data, time, and effort. These types too sometimes are fraudulent and despite the promises, people eventually don’t get paid what they were promised. SideGig.ng is one of the few platforms that don’t require you to make a monetary deposit, however, there are some tasks you would need to complete. So, we are here to review if all that time, data, and effort you put into this platform would actually pay off.

What Is SideGig.ng
SideGig.ng is a freelancing online platform that allows you to engage in certain activities online, offered by the platform, and earn while you’re at it. Some of these activities include liking posts on Instagram, sharing posts, commenting on posts also viewing videos.
How Does SideGig.ng Work?
Anyone with an Instagram account can earn on the platform, and Instagram users are the clients on the platform. A lot of attention and popularity comes with the most liked post and the most commented on, so everyone wants to trend on Instagram. SideGig.ng mobilizes the people needed to get the job done and the clients pay for it. SideGig offers GIGS which are jobs that one can do to earn on the platform.
How to Earn on SideGig.ng
You can earn on SideGig.ng by completing GIGS that are available on the platform. All you’ll have to do when you want to engage is to click on “GIGS”, different tasks would appear, and you can decide the tasks you want to complete. They are usually up to 10 of them at a time, and they have different earnings.
How to Withdraw on SideGig.ng
Once you’ve made up to 5,000 on the platform, then you can make a withdrawal by clicking on “WITHDRAW”. You would be led to a page where you would provide the required details to transfer your earning to your bank account.
How to Update Your SideGig Account
Just like platforms like Fiverr, the more of your personal information you provide would help you get more jobs. To update your account, go to your profile and provide the required details in the fields available. You would also be given the option to turn on notifications for job alerts. This would keep you informed.
How to Register on SideGig.ng (Sidegig.ng Registration)
Go to https://sidegig.ng, click on “REGISTER”, proceed to provide the required details which include your email address, name, nickname, and password. A link would be sent to your email for verification. Go to your email and click on the link.
SideGig.ng Login
To log into your SideGig account, you would need to provide your email address and password.
Is SideGig.ng Legit?
SideGig operates differently from the other Nigerian online income platforms that are usually like a Ponzi. SideGig gives you the opportunity to build an income without having to pay to register. Although they are new to the public, we can only hope they would pay their members going forward.
Is SideGig.ng Scam?
SideGig has received positive reviews so far and considering there isn’t a registration fee attached, there is a low chance of it being a scam.
Frequently Asked Questions (Faq’s)
Who Owns SideGig.ng?
Information about the owner is not provided.
Is SideGig.ng Legit?
SideGig mostly requires your time and data on Instagram which in reality you would eventually spend for free. So, it won’t be bad to earn while doing the same.
SideGig may not come with big promises but definitely have a feasible structure. Hence, it’s up to you to decide whether this is the type of online income platform you would like to join.
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