Formlabs, the 3D-printing company team up with audio Sennheiser to create unique tips for the latter’s high-end Ambeo earphones. Users can now take an image of their ear with their mobile app, which uploads them, therefore, creating a custom-fit earbud. The moment it is designed, the plans are directed to Formlab’s Form3 printer for creation.
Both companies said, ” the pair said that the new process means that customers can acquire custom earphones, potentially, on the same day they were ordered.”

This isn’t the first of its kind, Sony has built ways for users to calibrate their audio profiles by using a smartphone picture of their ear for better listening. But the idea of Sennheiser could be the best yet.
I believe Formlabs can happily say that the key to innovation is in its 3D-printing technology. They have also worked with various companies like, Gillette to make user-designed razor handles and also New Balance on a 3D-printed sole, which uses a custom-designed resin for improved athletic performance.
Although, they still haven’t given us a specific date to expect the real product or how much a custom-fit earbud will cost when it becomes available.
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