To own a savings account is a very nice idea for some people. They let you accumulate interest in assets and also assist you in keeping track of them. Nonetheless, some banks grants enticements for banking with them, and more often than not, these enticements actually do have an expiration date. And what you see as a great deal might, in the end, turn into a money pit.

JPMorgan Chase is the biggest bank in the United States of America. In case you happen to be banking with Chase and you realize that the relationship has turned sour, you need to go through this article because it covers ways in which you can close your chase account.
Laying the Groundwork
Before you finally decide to close your chase account, there are some things you can be able to do in order to make the experience a painless one.
The first thing you need to do is to open a new account with another bank. It is a good idea to open a new account before closing your chase account. Also make sure that all the autopay arrangements have been transferred to your new account prior to closing. Charges guaranteed by the bank will reopen a closed account even if they happen after you have closed the account.
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After you have opened a new account, you will need to transfer the money in your Chase account to the new one. Don’t transfer all your money, just leave a small for any banking fees. It’s not all banks that offer debit cards attached to savings accounts, but Chase does. In case you have a debit card your chase account then you will need to stop making use of it it and let the chase account sit for a week so that all the debit card transactions will be completed.
How To Close Your Chase Account Online
One of the most convenient ways to close your chase account is by doing it online. You will first need to visit the Chase online banking website and log in to your account with your details. Then you use their Secure Message Center to send an email to the customer care with the explanation that you wish to close your account. They should give a reply within 24 hours by asking you for confirmation and some details about the account.
Once you are done verifying that you wish to close the account, you can then select how the funds that are remaining in the account will reach you. Then you will get an email immediately confirming that your chase account has been closed. You can also close the account through mail or even through phone, by calling their customer service on 1-800-935-9935. Just prepare all the information you need before calling.
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