In case you have finally made up your mind to close your Chase account. Probably you have realized that all their mouthwatering promises of free checking accounts and high-yield savings accounts were just to lure you to their hidden fees and charges such as minimum balance requirements, overdraft penalties, monthly service fees, ridiculous wire transfer fees. And to add to it all, an interest rate that ranges 0 and 0.01% which gives you effectively zero income on your precious deposits.
So, if you are fed up with all these uncomfortable charges and you have come to the conclusion that you would like to close your chase account, I urge you to continue to read this article to know how to go about it.
The Things You Need To Do Before Closing Your Chase Account
There are some certain things one must do before closing his/her chase account, read below to know what they are:
- The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you open a new bank account ready prior to closing your Chase account.
- Go through all your most recent monthly statements for any charge that reoccurs such as rental bills, water, electricity, and gas bills. Ensure that you transfer all the remaining money from your chase account to your new account.
- Have account of all your online subscriptions like your Netflix subscription, Apple Music, and Spotify subscription and then transfer them from chase to your new account.
- Transfer all the annual or semi-annual recurring charges that may not be reflected in the monthly statement also.
- In case the direct deposit of your salary is attached to your chase account; you will need to transfer it to your new account at least a full working week before it is expected.
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How You Can Close Your Chase Account
Below are steps on how to close a chase account:
- The simplest way to close your chase account is to Sign in to the Chase online banking website and navigate to the Secure Message Center, that is where you will need to send an email asking for your account closure. You should be able to get a response within 2 working days with some questions and the confirmation of your account closure.
- Go to your local Chase branch and talk to an account executive. You will be required to provide identity proof, so go along with your valid ID, social security number, pin numbers, address details, etc. You can use Google maps to find the branch closest to your location.
- If you do not have access to any local branch, then you can call the Chase customer service at 1-800-935-9935 and ask for your account to be closed.
- You can also be able to submit your request written to the National Bank By Mail, P.O. Box 36520, Louisville, KY 40233-6520. And wait for your account to be closed.
While waiting for the closure of the account, make sure that you don’t make use of that account for anything. If not, the request will be cancelled and you will have to repeat the process all over again.
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