Costco is among one of the stores in America that are loved the most. It has been estimated that over 90 million people are members of the warehouse club, and they always keep coming back. 91% of them always end up renewing their membership.
But still, Costco is not meant for everyone. If you do not purchase enough to make the yearly $60 fee worth it, move to another area where there is no store, or do not like the shopping experience, you might decide that it is time for you to cut Costco out of your life. It is actually very easy to cancel your membership with Costco.

Things To Do In Order To Cancel Your Costco Membership
You might be aware that Costco is known to have one of the most generous return policies that extend to its membership in the retail business.
Costco stated on its website that “We will cancel and refund your membership fee in full at any time if you are dissatisfied”, so you won’t have a problem canceling your membership with them.
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In order to cancel your Costco membership, go to its membership counter at your local Costco. Their employee will be able to get you your refund. Or instead, you can still call their customer services center at 1-800-774-2678.
The refunding process at any time might actually sound too good to be true, but you need to know that Costco always honors the policy. All people can testify to that.
What Happens To Your Credit Card When You Cancel Your Membership With Costco
To cancel your Costco membership is very easy, but there is a little stress if you happen to be making use of a Costco credit card.
A lot of members registered for the Costco Anywhere Visa in order to get a bit more mileage out of their Costco membership. The card offers users 4% in Costco cash rewards on the first $7,000 that you spend on gas, which also includes Costco’s already low-priced fuel. You can also be able to receive 3% back at restaurants, 2% on Costco purchases, and also 1% on all other purchases you make. The card is free to get, but in order to get it, you will need to become a Costco member first.
However, if you finally cancel your membership with Costco, you will also end up losing your Costco credit card with the goodies that come with it.
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