Google has presented another application called the WiFiNanScan application that permits clients to associate with others without utilizing the web. The new application will help applications to look for close by articles and clients quicker than Bluetooth even a good ways off. Numerous designers have been pondering about what is WiFiNanScan application and how can it work. On the off chance that you have been pondering about something very similar, don’t stress, here is all you need to think about it.

What is WiFiNanScan app?
Created with Google, the as of late dispatched the WiFiscan application has a neighborhood revelation innovation. The application chips away at the WiFi Aware framework otherwise called the Neighborhood Aware Networking (NAN). Clients will actually want to show this hello there tech offering to Google on gadgets with Android 8 or above working framework.
Here’s how Google describes Wi-Fi Aware:
“Wi-Fi Aware capabilities enable devices running Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher to discover and connect directly to each other without any other type of connectivity between them. Wi-Fi Aware is also known as Neighbor Awareness Networking (NAN).”
Google describes this app as:
“The WifiNanScan app measures the distance between two smartphones using the Wi-Fi Aware protocol (also called Neighborhood Aware Networking(NAN)). It’s designed as a research, demonstration, and testing tool for developers, vendors, universities, and more.”
Features of WifiNanScan
You can utilize WifiNanScan to quantify the distance between two viable telephones with the exactness of around one meter. This is the point at which you’ve kept the telephones 15 meters separated.
While this information probably won’t be a lot of helpful to the end-clients, engineers can utilize this information to manage their document sharing and such comparable applications.
How to Use WifiNanScan on Your Android Device
To utilize the application, your Android gadget should run Android 8.0 or later. When you affirm your telephone runs the upheld form, head over to the Google Play Store and download and introduce the WifiNanScan application on your gadget.