Facebook New Education Campaign – Facebook launches a new education campaign to help its users detect fake news. This replacement campaign unveiled by the social media giant is targeted at enlightening Facebook users on how they can easily spot fake news when they come across one.
There is a rise in misleading reports online and the social media giant is launching the education campaign to combat the spread of fake news. Facebook desires to make its platform much safer. Publishing fake news online has led to some unwanted occurrence and filling people’s minds with reports such as these, create a paradigm.

Facebook and Fake News
Facebook is of no doubt the largest social media platform in the world. Having over 2 billion users, people use Facebook as a great tool to reach a large audience. Some users have misused this opportunity given them to publish reports that are false. Any report can spread on Facebook like wildfire and if the report is false, it can be disastrous.
Now, Facebook has taken a bold step to develop a detection launch that helps users know if a report is true or false. At the moment, this feature hasn’t gone global. Only a couple of countries have it on their Facebook platform.
Facebook New Education Campaign
With the new education campaign feature launched by Facebook, users are being educated on how they can identify that a report or news is fake. Tackling the spread of fake news is the reason for Facebook adding this new feature.
Facebook’s Reports About the New Education Campaign to Combat Fake News
In a report, Facebook specifically said; “We want to give people the tools to make informed decisions about the information they see online and where it comes from. To support this effort, over the coming weeks we’ll be rolling out a new campaign in countries across EMEA to educate and inform people about how to detect potential false new”.
Explaining further about the spread of fake news on its platform, the social media giants revealed three questions that can help individuals detect false news. They are:
- Where’s it from? If while reading, you didn’t find a source, then search for one.
- What’s missing? Do not get just the headline, but the whole story.
- How does it cause you to feel? Individuals that create false news, do that to manipulate users’ feelings.
Facebook still went ahead to say; “By prompting people to consider these factors, it could help more users detect misleading reports or at the least, to further scrutinize any claims made within such articles, which could help reduce the distribution of false information.”
Countries with The Facebook New Education Campaign
As said earlier, only a few countries have the educational campaign. Here are the countries below:
- The United Kingdom
- Germany
- Colombia
- Argentina
- Mexico
- France
- Philippines
- Brazil
- Indonesia
- Italy
- Taiwan
Hopefully. More the educational campaign will appear in more countries.
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