Amazon is entering the insurance business. Presently in India, the company is now offering auto insurance through Amazon Pay and the private firm Acko General Insurance. This insurance covers both cars and motorbikes, and VIP members will get extra benefits, including a large discount.
The exclusive discounts for VIP members are another means for Amazon to make the yearly subscription more enticing. Amazon recently began offering free live TV to its Prime members in Germany, and in 2019, it stopped charging VIP members the $14.99 monthly fee for Amazon Fresh delivery.

Amazon says members will be able to buy insurance in less than three minutes and also without coming to their office to sign any paperwork. It is offering motives like paperwork-free claims, an hour free pick-up, and three days to claim your package.
Payments can be sorted out through Amazon Pay, and policy documents will be sent directly to Your Orders Page. This insurance policy is only available in India presently, and will do everything possible till it reaches all corners of the world via things like “cashier-less supermarkets”.
This company is known to have one of the best services in the world presenting, with a very good rating and reliable service. Adding insurance into their services will just be an amazing feature I think we are all going to enjoy.
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