In case you are among the people that are fond of shopping at, it might excite to know that you can actually be able to get credit cards from Amazon only to be used on their site. Amazon gives out its Store Card and also a Rewards Visa card for its members to make use of when shopping on their site and so you can pick the card that you feel is most beneficial to you. But you must be a resident of the US with a US SSN or individual TIN to apply, and you must have a fair to average credit score before you are accepted.

Cards to Apply for On Amazon
You will need to choose a card
- You can select a prime visa signature card in case you have a prime membership. The Amazon prime rewards visa signature card is known to be the most popular option and it also offers You 5% of your money back coming out of Amazon and whole foods. Then, 2% from restaurants, gas stations, and drug stores and 1% back on all other purchases you make. When making use of the card out of the country, you will not be charged extra and it provides protection from fraud and theft.
- The Visa Signature Card is gotten via Chase Bank.
- You can only be able to apply for a Prime Visa card if you secure an Amazon Prime membership.
- The card possesses an interest rate of 14% to 24% depending on your credit score.
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Get the Store Card to Get Back 5%
When you sign up for this card, your Amazon account will automatically be loaded with a $60 credit.
- The card is being provided by Synchronicity Bank.
- You can be able to use the card to make other purchases, but you will not get money back except you are using it on Amazon items.
- This card contains an interest rate of 25.99%.
How You Can Apply for An Amazon Credit Card
- The first thing to do is to sign in to your Amazon account. You can create one if you don’t have an account.
- Search for the card that you wish to apply for.
- Then tap on “apply now” after you have selected the card of your choice.
- Enter all the details required for the card.
- After you have entered the details, then click on submit to submit the application.
- Then you wait till you get a notification for your card.
Once you get the notification, you can then go and pick up your card.
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